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Mom Quotes part one

Things you shouldn't have to say to your sons: Hunny, don't spin the knife around! Put down the poop!  Stop touching the puppy's wiener!  Keep the ninja stars out of the refrigerator. No pooping on the dining room table! Get the goldfish out between your toes. Don't throat punch your brother.  Keep your hands off the (public) bathroom floor! I didn't buy cubed cheese so you could stuff in R2-D2's leg! Stop "choking with the Force"! Stop being a robot and eat your dinner! Get your hands out of your pants! Get your hands out of your brothers pants! ! Get your hands out of your butt!  Seriously, stop touching your butt! Don't wipe your hands on the dog. Get your Bat-A-Rang off the table.
Recent posts

Mom Fail

Today I swept and mopped my floors just because I felt like if I were a good mom they would be cleaner.  Last week I forgot to make my son a lunch for a field trip that required a sack lunch. Just yesterday, after my attempt at being helpful and taking food to a friend, my kids were literally playing in a street and were almost hit by a truck. Yikes! When you compare yourself to the mom with the cute Sperrys and the perfectly planned outfit, the one with the newest Michael Kors bag that has absolutely no toddler stains on it or a diaper within it. When you lack professional pictures of your happy family for every season. The judgment you feel is your own. It can tear you apart inside and has a power over you like nothing else. This mom thing is crazy tough! But you're doing it. You are.  We don't have to be perfect people because we are loved by a perfect God and he loves our mess. He will love you no matter who you are, what you do, or...

Beware of the vomiting toddler!

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Today was awful. Awful people!

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Corbin the shark boy

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