"Sharks have two penises"—Corbin (age 5) This was one of the first facts my son knew about sharks, and blurted out to random strangers.
No joke, he used to get in trouble at school for making "shark noises". Really he was just humming the theme to Jaws. This is in kindergarten we're talking about. There was a little girl who went home from school telling her mom that there was a real live shark boy in her classroom. She was serious!
And so his obsession began along with calling himself Great White Corbin. I can't make this stuff up if I tried. It all began after we saw shark week that summer, right before kindergarten, when he was five years old...And his little brain was ready to soak up some knowledge. Well he loved it of course! He wanted to know everything there was to know about sharks and he thought he could become one when he grew up (hence the title Great White Corbin). We started collecting more rubber toy sharks then we had Hot wheels. We bought shark week videos, Jaws movies, documentaries, and books! He couldn't get enough! Halloween costumes became homemade shark outfits because you couldn't buy it in the stores yet. Awesome. Even this year he wanted to be a robot shark. Are you kidding me?! I asked him how am I supposed to do that? And he says, "mom, just buy a regular shark outfit and spray paint it gray."
But we indulge him because we love him. Him and all his shark quirks. Corbin's my first little boy, my first child. He taught me that it's okay to love your inner freak. It's okay to make the other kids run home and tell their mom about you. It's okay to love sharks! Yes, he can be a bit emotional. (Like his mama.) And get on my last nerve. That just makes him even more special. I can't wait to see where this kid's crazy takes us next.
I LOVE this boy!! ~~^~~