It started out innocently enough, Orion had a cough. The cough continued and remained in him until he was gagging on it. He decide to start spitting it up and then came the screams from the bathroom saying "oh my god! Mom, there's green stuff everywhere! what is this coming out of me!"
Then I caught something for exactly 12 hours that had me laid out. Normally I would not be upset to have to lay around but then you also have to do the mom thing and get to feel like crap...Which is just awful and it's own brand of punishment.
So then, just last night, Lincoln comes into our room covered head to toe in some yellow-nasty-chunky-sickness. And wants to crawl up in my bed to snuggle. I don't think so! Number three is the worst because he has no idea why this is coming out of his tiny body or where it should go to. So it usually ends up hitting me in the face. Cut to 3 bed sheet changes and four pairs of pajamas later (not including my own), he finally calmed down long enough to fall asleep and we made it through that stinky morning.
What is it about little kids? They have to share their germs and their mucus and their vomit with anyone standing within a 12 inch radius of them?! It's like they have this special code built inside of them to just show it off...literally show it off. Let's see what they're made of...Yuck!
If you're like me and find yourself in these dark times, here are some helpful tips to make them slightly easier:
First of all, flu shots people! That's you're very first step. Also it doesn't hurt to give them a little extra vitamin C tablet. Don't take my word on it though, ask your doctor.
Secondly, I want to suggest to everyone not to buy the expensive Pottery Barn sheets for your children. You can find some really cute stuff at Walmart or target so don't invest in what might get thrown up and/or peed on. Also, because these are cheap sheets consider just throwing them out and buy new ones the next day. Unless of course your child happens to be attached to their shark pillow or their batman blanket otherwise, you scrub that crap until it fades!
Thirdly, find yourself a waterproof barrier (and this comes in handy in the next step).
Next step, involves layering. Put a sheet set down for your child, a waterproof pad, and later that with a second sheet set and then a comforter. This way if they make it through the first stack the bed has already been made. In the middle of the chaos you will only need to peel off that first nasty layer (plus the waterproof barrier) and there you go! Clean up that other stuff in the morning and just get some rest.
Also I would like to suggest having a puke bucket. We have one at our house and everyone is aware of it. That's the only thing it's used for and it stays in the garage until needed.
My last and final tip is to barricade the puker. Everyone knows it can always get could have two! That's it, it's not brain surgery it's just simple know-how and practice. I've dealt with a lot worse than this week but I don't want to scare you with those stories. Instead here's a picture.
Which brings me to my next point, if your child says he doesn't feel good, listen! You don't want to know what happens if you don't. They're not always faking. Good luck and happy flu season!
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