I don't know about y'all but I love Christmas! It just reminds me of my loud crazy and wonderful family. Everyone getting together laughing and yelling...generally having a good time. And the food! Oh the food!
Usually, when winter break rolls around I'm excited to have the boys home—at first. I get to play with them and surprise them with little Elfish things. And I love hiding presents from them then counting down the days I get to see the magic in their eyes as they open all their gifts.
But that's all over people. Way over! Tomorrow they go back to school and I for one cannot wait! We had our fun and now it's done! Get these suckers out of here! And maybe I can finally have five minutes to myself to go to the bathroom, or browse through Pinterest projects that I'm never going to complete. I may even get some organization and some cleaning done...Nope, who am I kidding? I'm gonna sit around watch bad TV while eating Ninja-Bread cookies and leftover candy I've had hidden since Halloween.
Wait now, before you're too quick to judge my love and affection for my darling three little boys, you should consider when you had those horrible moments. And we all have. Come on get real, they weren't always precious angels were they? There were times you wanted to scream or tear your hair out or light the house on fire. Well, that's where I'm at right now. So I guess I did get a loud crazy and wonderful Christmas after all (Charlie Brown moment).
Alright enough of this ranting and nonsense, I've got to go clean up some poop and kiss my boys!
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