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I know it's been a while since my last post. And I was actually starting to doubt myself and think I couldn't do this. I mean what if I run out of material? This was literally just running through my mind and then I glanced at the toilet paper roll and saw the most disgusting thing in the world! And then it hit me, I'm never going to run out of material these boys are disgusting.
So just a warning, this one's going to be nasty.A while back, my youngest Lincoln was going through a phase. Probably the same phase most crazy toddlers go through. Naked time.
He would usually strip down to nothing but socks and then want to stay that way for the remainder of the day.
Needless to say this left lots of little "messes" for me to clean up. One in particular I will never forget. It was a quiet afternoon at home and the big boys were doing homework while I was using the restroom...Or possibly trying to save my sanity by locking myself in a tiny little room where I could just be. And then I heard my oldest Corbin say "Ewww Lincoln!"
I decide to climb out of my hiding place to meet my fate.
And there he sits, my little one-year-old--on the dining room table. Pant-less. Poop everywhere. The first thought to run through my mind was: that is where we eat our meals. The second, was that I need to tell no one of this incident. But I did. I think it was more for pity than anything else, I mean, people should know what I have to go through.

These kinds of things don't stop. It doesn't matter what the age, the timeframe, where you are, or what you're doing. They will find a way to make poop messes that you have to clean up! It's happened in the tub it's happen next to the toilet, in the car, out at dinner, and at friends houses...on their lawn! Orion has been the cause of a lot of these little instances.  Corbin, only couple. But Lincoln, by far is the king of Poo!
High-five to those of you who are with me on this! And to those unfortunate few, who like me, have to look over at your toilet paper roll and see poop wiped upon it. Just get out your Clorox Anywhere spray take a breath. We're in this together.


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