It started out simple enough. It's Saturday morning, which means soccer games and catching up on laundry, or at least restarting the dryer to take it out later. I wake up, see a chance to earn brownie points with the hubs and let him sleep in AND bring him breakfast in bed.Yeah, I'm cool like that! I let the dog out and get the younger boys up and make breakfast. Corbin (the oldest) had a sleepover at a friends, so I pick him up at 9:30, generously thank the amazing hostess for taking on my son and 4 others overnight--boy is she brave! I forgot to pack his game day uniform so he gets dressed in the car and we head over to the field. Corbin, Lincoln (the baby) and I arrive to find our field being used as a practice space for 3 other teams. I use my calm voice and get them to clear out. Meanwhile my husband is across town coaching Orion's game. I proceed to watch, blah blah blah....The day and its usual stresses happen. It averages out to 3 soccer games, 5 meltd...